Saturday, February 12, 2022

Mistakes: bumps in the road, Maya Moore: Notes on Veterans in questions, pieces of witty remarks, growth, and changes. Help to direct, help to guide, rides to places of interest, needed still.

Are You the CEO of Your Life:P.S. Don’t drag your feet any longer. You need to make the time and ATTEND THIS CLASS NOW.Your Future Self Will Thank You For It!Brand News:
May be an image of nature

May be an image of text that says 'LURK LAUGH LOATHE'

This whole LGBT crap that basically has been forced upond us to accept in today's society is just that, a load of fuckin bullshit. If your gay, on the fence about whom you want to be with or have the need to turn yourself into a freak of nature then how about keeping it to yourself. I and I'm quite sure alot of others have no fuckin desire to hear let alone see that shit. Oh I'm sure there are those who have joined your bandwagon and cheered you on but they do it because they are afraid to stand up and say this is not acceptable, they are afraid of their own shadow. Mistakes: bumps in the road, Maya Moore: Notes on Veterans in questions, pieces of witty remarks, growth, and changes. Help to direct, help to guide, rides to places of interest, needed still.

Kea Khiev: I have killed, lied, just to make a buck or two.Good time toads, faces in the herds, cattle drives.Just want to know: are you male or female please write back.☎ (310) 663-8190. Azn chic stuck Need feee gas ASAP. Help. Hey I'm low on gas need someone to fill my tank up and it's my bday. It's getting late let me know if you can meet now or tomorrow .
 Witches, Bitches And Babes, Dreams In Actions, Head Counts.To Bury, To Burn, Dust In The Winds, Graves For You, Graves To Me, Bones In A Box, Rest In Peace.God’s grace is not the light at the end of the tunnel. It’s the light that guides us through it.Retired,out of the races for bucks,older,taller,witty, wise,owls, doves in the morning, beaches to walk, heads above the common.
This whole LGBT crap that basically has been forced upond us to accept in today's society is just that, a load of fuckin bullshit. If your gay, on the fence about whom you want to be with or have the need to turn yourself into a freak of nature then how about keeping it to yourself. I and I'm quite sure alot of others have no fuckin desire to hear let alone see that shit. Oh I'm sure there are those who have joined your bandwagon and cheered you on but they do it because they are afraid to stand up and say this is not acceptable, they are afraid of their own shadow.

"Twitter censors the United States House of Representatives but not propaganda from Communist China and Iran. Let that sink in".Easy lover, will kill you in the night, views, voices, values, not the same as Mexicans, Americans, cattle drives, sucks dicks daily, gang bang leader, nuts on the run.Summary: Dense, dumb, simple, self-serving, gay and happy:

More questions up in the air about the lights that shine bright, and the plans, goals, and dreams in action to complete, and a place to stay closer to the beach. New friends, and more wind under my wings, and the beginning of growth and changes. Mistakes: bumps in the road, Maya Moore: Notes on Veterans in questions, pieces of witty remarks, growth, and changes. Help to direct, help to guide, rides to places of interest, needed still.

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