Sunday, February 13, 2022

It is about the moments, dances on the sands, schools of hard knocks, bumps in the road, excuses and assholes, things we have in common.

 Growth and change, ways to see the world, daily events to teach, to learn, practice not to fail, life on the beach, life in the wind, birds to be reborn. Time alone, girl in red hood, back from the woods, in the shadows, back on edge of life. It is about the moments, dances on the sands, schools of hard knocks, bumps in the road, excuses and assholes, things we have in common.

It's not a goddamn joke Ted. Millions of families are facing hunger, the threat of eviction, and the loss of their health care during a pandemic that is worsening every day. Get real.But everyone can help someone.Helping one person might not change the world,but it could change the world for one person."-Unknown   

It is about the moments, dances on the sands, schools of hard knocks, bumps in the road, excuses and assholes, things we have in common.
 Growth and change, ways to see the world, daily events to teach, to learn, practice not to fail, life on the beach, life in the wind, birds to be reborn. Time alone, girl in red hood, back from the woods, in the shadows, back on edge of life. It is about the moments, dances on the sands, schools of hard knocks, bumps in the road, excuses and assholes, things we have in common.

It's not a goddamn joke Ted. Millions of families are facing hunger, the threat of eviction, and the loss of their health care during a pandemic that is worsening every day. Get real.But everyone can help someone.Helping one person might not change the world,but it could change the world for one person."-Unknown   

It is about the moments, dances on the sands, schools of hard knocks, bumps in the road, excuses and assholes, things we have in common.

It's not a goddamn joke Ted. Millions of families are facing hunger, the threat of eviction, and the loss of their health care during a pandemic that is worsening every day. Get real.But everyone can help someone.Helping one person might not change the world,but it could change the world for one person."-Unknown   

Time to reflect, tricked and pimped, love and devotion, earth angels in red hoods, trips in the woods. Falls on den of snakes, mask in place, in the woods, trees of life, dogwood trees. Time to take a minute or two, recaplitations to do, lessons learned the first time. Practice not to fail, life lessons on love and hate

It is about the moments, dances on the sands, schools of hard knocks, bumps in the road, excuses and assholes, things we have in common.

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